Career Development: What are its benefits and why do you need it?
This blog is also one about “career talk”. But it tries to go a little deeper because it covers a topic that starts at a young age, as young as you being in kindergarten and is in fact, a lifelong process. We’re talking about career development. We will explore what exactly career development means and through this, we aim to enlighten you about its benefits. Finally, we will also get a better understanding of the role of career counseling services when it comes to career development.
Imagine this, you have a candy shop in your neighbourhood. This particular candy shop has a wide variety and it also gives you an opportunity to explore each flavour and each variety each time it is updated. As you grow, so does the variety according to your taste and the recent trends in the candy market. So, not only does it let you explore the existing candy options, but also helps you try the contemporary options. Finally, it’s your decision, which candy comes home with you and which one doesn’t. It’s the same with career development too!
First, it’s important to know that career development is a lifelong process of learning. It can start when you’re 7 and continue till you’re 59 and ready to retire. Now, we’re not saying marry your job and make your life all about your profession. But if pursued the right way, career development helps you achieve your ideal dream career, improve yourself along the way and upgrade your skills and lifestyle accordingly. Yes, the impact is actually that huge. It’s important to love what you do. It cannot happen at all times but that’s when career development enters. It provides you with the right framework and tools needed to boost your career and make the path more interesting by helping you set the right goals, get the skills to achieve those goals, get awareness about what’s working in the industry and what isn’t, assess yourself and upgrade your performance accordingly. It ensures that you are constantly growing. The survival of the fittest is essential and it helps you stay fit.
It explores the psychological areas associated with your choice for a certain career trajectory.
How self-aware are you?
Do you need to introspect about your weaknesses and strengths genuinely?
Did you explore other options before coming to this decision?
Based on that, how good are your decision-making skills?
After you figure out these questions, you can opt for career guidance, and vocational training for jobs that suit your skills, personality and interests. Always ask yourself, “10 or 20 years from now, when you see yourself in this career field, do you imagine yourself to be happy?” The answer to this question will hold a lot of weight in your decision!
Apart from this, one very important aspect that career development covers are career-switch. Humans are fickle-minded and definitely imperfect. In the career domain, career development comes to the rescue to help you determine what exactly you want while considering a switch or during a mid-life and quarter-life crisis. You can successfully explore other roles and industries, and advancements in the existing field and the fields you might be considering. It also helps you determine whether you need career counseling services while planning a job switch.
The gist of it is definitely, to choose an occupation, do your best and either grow or die!
Career development has often been a hidden player behind major career decisions, consciously or unconsciously. But it definitely reinstates that skill upgrades and introspection are essential for career advancement. At M B Patil, with our career counseling services in Pune, we help you perceive your career trajectory with career development in mind.
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